Rail Drain Solutions
Tiltex B Anti Cracking GCCM is typically 10 to 15 times quicker to install than conventional concrete drain maintenance solutions, providing important time and cost savings to the railway sector.
Tiltex B Anti Cracking GCCM is specified with state and national government railway bodies and has been installed on a number of railway infrastructure projects throughout Australia.
Tiltex replaces rip rap, shotcrete and concrete as a cost effective product with fast installation times for rail drain projects, when railway down time is of the essence. There is less disruption and faster installation times whilst providing all of the benefits of traditional concrete solutions.
On a recent NSW Government railway embankment project, Tiltex B Anti Cracking GCCM provided the customer with a:
78% reduction in rail possession duration, providing reduced railway down time and cost savings.
78% reduction in man hours working on steep batters at heights providing safety advantages.